Sunday, July 29, 2007


After Sweiz we went back to Munich and stayed there for a few days with Attila's buddy Marcus. He took us to a few places in the city during the time we were there...

We went to a big beer garden (where I'm holding the massive jug of beer and pretending it's mine :P) we stayed there and chilled for an hour or two listening to the band and then catching up with Mike who studied at SAE with Attila.

We also climbed up the famous "Old Peter" church (the pic where we look like we could be in a cage, top right and the two nxt to that one!) I was SO out of breath climbing all those steps and then when we got to the top I was a bit freaked out as it was about 90 meters high, u stepped outside and it was just a ledge that went out and around the church and had that cage like bar around it. The boys didnt know how freaked out I was!!

We caught an english movie (I think they show these in germany once a day) as one of the days there was rainy and miserable.

Then the rest of the time we ate and ate and ate =) had to try some traditional Bavarian food! I'll say it again and again, these Germans know how to cook and I'll definitely miss their food when we return home :P
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