Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Vidám Park

Yesterday we went to Vidám Park. A Fun fair or Theme park in Budapest!

It was so much fun going on all the rides, we started off with the bumper cars then watched Mariko go on some of the lil kiddies rides.

Attila and I then went off on our own for half an hr and went on the newer rollercoaster with the loop. It was Attila's first loop rollercoaster to go on so he was all excited and I was pretty excited too, I love rollercoasters!

Even the old old old rollercoaster built in 1906 was something we had to go on before we left. The photo in the top left is the track! It was still cool, even though it was sooooooooooooooooooo old and had no loop. It still had some good drops too..gotta love those good drops!

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