The next day we went to Buchenwald Concentration Camp. It was very disturbing and upsetting. Seeing some of the rooms in the crematorium sent chills up my spine as did the photos of the prisoners...
2 examples:
There was a medical room (or pretend medical rm). They would lead the prisoners into this room that looked to be a medical room where they check your sight, height or weight etc..and in the corner where they check your height, little did the prisoners know that there was a hidden rm directly behind the height measurer. The guards would place there gun through the gap where the height measurer slid up and down and shoot them as they were pretending to measure them.
Then outside the court yard of the Crematorium there were some steps that led down into another horrible room. I thought it was a gas chamber until I saw all the hooks high on the walls and read that the prisoners were strangled on the hooks.
Then the photos in the art exhibition just made the whole scene more horrific. What we think it might of been like was probably nothing to how bad it actually was in there...just un-imaginable